The Whispers of Guru Element

It has been awhile since my last post I must admit, but the past few months have really been quite the tumultuous ordeal. I won’t go into it too deeply, I’ll just say that physically I was going through major transformations, so much so that I’d barely have enough energy for eating, sleeping and attending classes at my university. Due to the frequent (what at the time, seemed like to me) near death experiences. Later I found out from a brilliant astrologer (Francis Hanna) that both Saturn and Rahu were aspecting Libra in my first house. He put it in the terms, “you’ve basically have been looming under a dark cloud this whole time”. Also as it turns out, I wasn’t the only one affected by this transit as Aug.-September wasn’t the best of times for many people, Obama included.

Lucky I had my practice along with the wisdom of the Vedas, they were the biggest things holding me together. Not to mention a wonderful supportive community with the guidance of my teachers.

What seemed like quite the negative experience, ended up being one of my most cherished lessons in life. Because in all madness and darkness, I still had a faint glimmer of light guiding my way. Even though there were times I was about to freak out and feel like I needed to go to the emergency room. In the end I would lie down close my eyes and something inside of me told me that it was going to be alright. It was almost as if I was on fire and then was taken outside myself and simply watching myself on fire. Which is why it has been such a positive experience, I was experiencing my samskaras being set ablaze and found peace only when I was able to step outside of what I believed to be myself and saw the greater reality first hand.

Which is that our body’s are not our own, they are a gift given to our soul so that our soul (Jiva) can evolve to the state of Kaivalia (ultimate liberation/union with the divine). That, my friends, is the true reason why we are in this planet, to co-create, evolve and reacquaint ourselves to our true essence. Which is a state of divine, omnipotent, omnipresent, universal, unbounded being. Although we may not realize it at times, the whole time, we are being guided by the silent whispers of the Inner Guru. Sometimes it just takes being in a seemingly dark & quite place to begin to hear it.

In the Sri Guru Gita it says:

“The Vedas, the Shastras, Puranas, the Itihasas etc., the science of Mantras, Yantras, Mohana, Uchatana etc, cults like the Shaiva, Agama, Shakta, etc, and other cults existing in the world today are merely false theories expressed in corrupted words which confuse the ignorant and deluded Jivas (living being). Japa austerities, observances, pilgrimage sacrifice, charity – all these become a mere waste without understanding the Guru Tattva.”

The light that guides us during our darkest trials is the same light that shines the path towards our greatest happiness. The Guru Element also loosely relates to what is known as in some schools of thought as the “Higher Self” but understand that the Higher Self and the Guru Element is not bound to a particular state of quantum existence but an all-pervasive field of intelligence that we as human being have constant access to. Yet, as human beings our greatest gift can also be our greatest obstacle, our Freewill. As human being we have 100% sovereignty over our existence. Meaning that we call all the shots, yet because we live in this physical existence, it comes with a set of laws, one of which being for every force acted upon there is an equal and opposite effect. Meaning directly or indirectly, our entire world is a product of each and every one of OUR actions. Also due to this Freewill, these positive forces that exists in the universe (insert imagination here) won’t impose on our freewill. Almost as water flowing from a spring, these positive forces (teachers, guides, Guru’s, higher self, Devas, angels, etc…) are constantly flowing around us. Receiving their blessing is simply a matter of coming to the spring, kneeling down and taking a drink. In that kneeling down, we surrender our identifications (our ego) and are able to interact on an even plane. Where the knowledge can flow effortlessly.

So do you & swag out. This world is not what you think it is, the world we live in and many of the things we think we believe, are in fact, “not a big deal”.  You are right where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do. All yoga is, surrendering those aspects of your identity that don’t need to be there and favoring the Guru Element within.

Keep Practicing, Keep Moving Forward!